Beehive Healthcare | Aromatherapy, Acupuncture and Reflexology | dementia info

Holistic Approach to Dementia

Holistic Approach to Dementia and Alzheimers Barely a day goes by without dementia being in the news, with alarming figures on the prevelance of the diseases such as Alzheimer’s causing dementia and the difficulties of living with dementia for sufferers…

Beehive Healthcare | Massage, Chinese Massage, Liposculpture, Facial Peeling, Dermapens and Healthcare Treatments Chester | Aromatherapy Herb of the Month Thyme

August’s Aromatherapy Herb – Thyme

This month we’ve been learning about Thyme at Beehive Healthcare from our newest aromatherapist Monika Frackowiak.  As well as everyday uses in cooking, as an oil it is used in Aromatherapy.  Read on for more information:        …

Beehive Healthcare | Massage, Chinese Massage, Liposculpture, Facial Peeling, Dermapens and Healthcare Treatments Chester | meditation

Tips and Benefits of Meditation

What is meditation? and what are the benefits?  There are various descriptions and spiritual/scientific descriptions, processes and experiments out there that go into more detail, some of it also claiming that the silence raises deep questions that people are not…