What it is and what I can expect? Traditional Chinese Acupuncture (TCA) is a treatment that has been used for thousands of years in the Far East. It is based on the belief that an energy called Chi can become…
Woman's Health Hive
Women’s health covers a wide range of elements relating to physical, mental, emotional, social and even spiritual health. There are a range of services available and some specialist women’s health consultants who can offer medical support too.
Load our women’s health leaflet here and take a look at the services now available.
Amatsu treats your whole body, not just the symptoms. It comprises of a number of different techniques such as massage, mobilisation, re-patterning and cranial balancing, which can be used in many combinations to suit the clients needs including back pain.
Autism Assessment, Diagnosis & Support (Child & Adult)
The Autism Service is a private assessment and intervention service for children and adults with – or who are suspected of having – Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The service consists of healthcare professionals who are experienced in working with…
Bowen Technique
What is Bowen Technique? Bowen is a light touch therapy, suitable for all ages. There is no manipulation or deep tissue work as Bowen works on the Fascia Layer (the structure of connective tissue that surrounds muscles, groups of muscles,…
Hopi Ear Candle Therapy
Thermo Auricular Therapy What it is and what I can expect? The heat from the candle eases pain and discomfort in the ear. The ingredients impregnated in the cotton vaporise and are drawn down the hollow centre of the candle…
Menopause Services
What it is and what I can expect? Menopause Service Overview Mr Ash Alam joins Beehive Healthcare to offer consultations for women focusing on all aspects of health around the menopause and beyond. Ash is a Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist…
NHS Clinics and Workshops Information
We have a number of NHS Clinic appointments and workshops operating from Beehive Healthcare Examples of the clinics/workshops we have here are: Diabetes: Prevention, Type 2 and Gestational Health and Lifestyles Essentials Dietetics/ Community Nutrition Respiratory Physiotherapy including Long Covid…
Podiatry & Biomechanical Services
Chester Chiropody is the company which offers services here at Beehive Healthcare. They work with people of all ages, treating a variety of conditions of the lower limb. Podiatry Services Their services include: Diabetic Foot Screening. Callus Treatment. Corn Treatment….
Stop Smoking (Cheshire Change Hub)
Cheshire Change Hub in conjunction with Brio Leisure are helping YOU to make lifestyle changes to help your health long term. It is your local health and wellbeing service and is here to offer you the support you need to…
Timetable – Wellbeing Classes in Chester
Updated 16 April 2024 See below for what is on offer here at Beehive Healthcare For our Workshops please see here Current Wellbeing Classes For further details on the Workshops and Events please see Workshops and Events Details of our…
Women’s Health, Menopause & Wellbeing
Clinic with Mr Ash Alam A Caring Professional To Make You Feel Better Mr Ash Alam is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist with a busy NHS practice at Arrowe Park Hospital, Wirral. He consults privately at various places including here…