This month our Therapist in Focus is Monika Frackowiak with her business Monya Holistic Therapies. Monya is a fully qualified and highly skilled complementary therapist for healthcare. She provides a wide range of treatments, including kinisiotaping, manual lymphatic drainage, various…
Tips and Benefits of Meditation
What is meditation? and what are the benefits? There are various descriptions and spiritual/scientific descriptions, processes and experiments out there that go into more detail, some of it also claiming that the silence raises deep questions that people are not…
Mum Knows Best
Throughout the month, we have brought you lots of topics and advice that highlight, celebrate and reflect on issues that affect the women in our lives. For example: The health benefits of Tai Chi in relation to the menopause…
I dare you to be happy…
Sounds silly needing to be ‘dared’ but think about it… if you could choose to have more fun, you would, wouldn’t you? What about being kinder to yourself – you know, a bit of the old self-compassion. You’d do…
Health benefits of Tai Chi, specifically during the Menopause
As a professor in China, I carried out research that explored the many benefits of Tai Chi – something widely practised in China. As the research got underway, I began to witness the many benefits that the practitioners were experiencing…
Beehive Healthcare & Book at Bedtime show support for victims of domestic abuse
There are times in your life when by chance you meet someone who inspires you with their journey and their story. This person for me was Peta Pendlebury and Book at Bedtime is her story. Book at Bedtime is a…